Paul Harris Fellow - Recognition Incentives
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PHF Nominations due by April 1, 2013
The Board is taking nominations for PAUL HARRIS FELLOW recognition of a member of our local community who has demonstrated SERVICE ABOVE SELF and the ideals of the 4-WAY TEST.  Please download and fill out the nomination form and give to Wendy Thornton, or another board member.  The Board will review all nominations at the April 9th Board Meeting.  (The link to the form is to the left of the this page, and on the home page lower right.)

Paul Harris Recognition for Half Price (500 Point Match) - District 6440

To gain first-time Paul Harris recognition (or multiple Paul Harris awards) requires a cumulative or one-time contribution of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. The same amount applies to additional (multiple) Paul Harris recognition. District 6440 Rotarians have the opportunity of fulfilling the $1,000 requirement (first time or additional) through a $500 one-time contribution to the Annual Program Fund which will be matched by 500 credit points offered by a generous district contributor. For details, contact Rotarian Ann Hughes or Annual Giving Chair Walter Reed or Rotarian Wendy Thornton