
Our hope is that Every Rotarian will donate $100 or more Every Year. Checks for either the Annual Fund or PolioPlus Fund should be made payable to: Rotary Foundation. Indicate your fund preference (Annual or PolioPlus) in the Memo section of the check. On-line contributions can be made by going to: Member Access (the Member Access link will take you to the appropriate section of the website).
An Annual Fund donation of $100 goes into a SHARE system and is invested for 3 yrs. The earnings from investments go towards administrative costs. After 3 yrs. 50% of the funds remain in the World Fund for Foundation Programs. The other 50% flows back to the Club's District Designated Fund, where it can be used for programs and matching grants as determined by the local district. For a Rotary Foundation Funding Module, go to:
Rotarians are also committed towards the Eradication of Polio, and are striving to meet the $200 Million Challenge Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through donations to the PolioPlus Fund. For more information on how close we are ("This Close"), go to: