For outstanding achievement and service, The Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise was recognized with the Governor's Vibrant Challenge Award for the 2020-2021 Rotary Year!
Welcome to the
Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise!
Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise!

Service Above Self
We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:00 a.m.
Glenview Community Ice Center
1851 Landwehr Road
Glenview, IL 60026
United States of America
Glenview, IL 60026
United States of America
(224) 616-2140
President Elect
President Nominee
Immediate Past President
Club Service Chair
Community Service Chair
Vocational Service Chair
Evironmental Protection & Pollination Chair
Foundation & Polio Chair
International Service Chair
Public Relations

Check out our Calendar Here!

Sunrise Events
Rotarians and friends started 2025 by taking action, helping pack meals for shipment to hungry people around the world.

Each month Rotarians get to help out with projects with our dual language learner friends at Henking School. This month it was masks and the smiling faces of students and adults say it all.

Rotarians enjoyed a beautiful October Saturday morning as they cleaned up Waukegan Road. The club does this each year and always finds some interesting things, this time including two socks (not a pair!), a six-pack of beer and two unopened candy bars!

Thursday, August 29th, past club president Joel Levin will lead our weekly program. It will include a discussion via Zoom with Pastor Mykhailo Vasilievich Brytsyn about his firsthand experience with religious persecution in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Please join us in person (at the Glenview Ice Center) or by Zoom for a fascinating presentation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 0172 8896
Meeting ID: 816 0172 8896

Please join us for Taste of Glenview on Saturday, September 7th, at 6:00 p.m. at Park Center. For more information or to buy dinner or raffle tickets, visit
Then, on October 5th, the club will hold a Family Fitness Fun Fest. Fun is the key to good fitness and it will be featured at this event which will be held at NIPSTA on the Glen. More information is available at
To sponsor both events, please visit
Come build community with us!
The Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise is now helping SaLT (Service and Learning Together) assist migrants through the Shop 'n' Drop food bags for 85 migrant families in the northern suburbs. Rotarians will be working periodically to pack items that will be helpful to these neighbors. The club has also made a financial contribution to the program.

For a number of years, our Rotarians have been weekly readers for dual language students at Henking School. In May we ended the school year with a lunch for the second grade students. Rotarians visited with the friends they'd made through the year, provided lunch and presented each student with a certificate of accomplishment for participating in the Rotary Readers program throughout their time at Henking. They'll move on to a new school next year but we won't forget them or their amazing teacher, Kate McNally! Just look at these smiles:

Working with the Rotary Club of Fort Collins, Colorado, Rotary District 6440 and The Rotary Foundation, our club helped provide safe water for the remote El Potrero community in Guatemala. Using a spring box, water storage tank and distributions system, the project also involved installing 13 latrines and enhancing residents' knowledge of the importance of safe water, proper sanitation and good hygiene. Local community members played a key role in establishing the new system and will continue to be vital to the maintenance of the system and to it being self-sustaining.

Each week, members of the Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise read with ELL students at Henking School. Here's Rotarian Nancy Vert with Ms. McNally's second graders. It's a fun program that builds community and encourages literacy.

In January, Marcia Cebula of the Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise joined 13 other Rotarians to work at the Oasis de Jacquin agricultural school outside of Cartagena, Colombia. They enlarged the school's plant sales area, created pathways around the perimeter of the grounds, made a planting wall and drew lines on a soccer field that will be available for children attending camp at the school. Thanks, Marcia, for your dedication on this and other international service trips!

Rotarians and Northfield Girl Scouts started 2024 by working together to provide lunches for clients at Connections for the Homeless.
Rotarians participated in the Glenview Park District's Festival of Trees at Park Center. Happy holidays to all!

Members of the Glenview Sunrise, Northbrook Satellite and Northbrook Rotary Clubs along with Glenbrook South's Interact Club are shown with the 1,000th coat collected by the annual Coat Off Your Back drive. These coats have been distributed to 13 organizations serving refugees, domestic violence survivors and other people in need. There's still time to donate (through December 15th). Dropoff locations are open through December 15th and include Glenbrook South High School, Glenview Ice Center, Glenview Public Library, Glenview Tennis Club, and Weiss Ace Hardware.

Members of the Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise spent a morning helping prepare meal packets to be sent around the world for Feed My Starving Children. We're always looking for other people of action to help with our projects.

Glenview Sunrise Rotarians kicked off the season by helping set up for the Christmas tree sale at Wagner Farm.

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders
A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle
The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding
The disaster recovery playbook

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts
Specialists in the field

When Rotary members learn of a need in a community, it’s a good time to deploy the experts: a vocational training team.
Member Birthdays:
Matthew BerrafatoFebruary 13
Bill GriffisFebruary 21
Jerry AgrestFebruary 29
Spouse/Partner Birthdays:
Tony CozzoneFebruary 20
Mary LongDonFebruary 25
Join Date:
Caryl ScottFebruary 1, 199629 years
Jane BerryFebruary 5, 199827 years
Susie HallFebruary 14, 200223 years
Mike McCartyFebruary 23, 20178 years